£5.00 - On Sale
Image of Monk/Riot T-Shirt
£7.00 - On Sale
New Gouranga T-Shirt designed by Rob Scenity!
These are all very limited, some colours in certain sizes only have the 1 shirt and we've already sold out of other variations not listed, so order quick!
Comes in 4 different Colours:
Brown print on Mustard (all sold out!)
Brown print on White (2 left!)
Brown print on Grey (2 left!)
White print on Black (all sold out!)
Images of all shirts found here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.199170183438150.46424.115346341820535&type=1
NOTE: If you want to collect the t-shirt rather than have it sent I will give you your postage back at the door, just get in touch! We live in Bristol!